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Open Fiber - Future freedom


"As builders of fiber networks, our mission is to create conditions for the future with the principle of 'equal for all.' Without excluding anyone, so that everyone has the same opportunity regardless of where they are in life. Our openness creates opportunities for innovation for national and local innovators and companies, where everyone has the same chance. And where the municipality can further develop our community services without relying on private actors. In our network, it's equal for everyone, and anyone who follows the guidelines can provide services. Plus, it saves the environment when equipment doesn't need to be replaced when switching suppliers. With an open network and the same equipment, it also makes it easy for our customers to switch suppliers. It creates healthy competition – which is good for pricing both now and in the future. Without compromising quality – because we, as the city network, stand for it. Stable, long-term, and sustainable."

The Municipal Executive Board's Decision and the IT and City Network Unit

Beslut från kommunstyrelsen

In the municipal council on date xxxxx, the decision was as follows.
"At the council, it was decided that Lorum Ipsum Lorum Ipsum Lorum Ipsum"

IT and City Network Unit
"The overarching goal is for Åsele municipality to have world-class broadband. The long-term vision is that all households, businesses, and recreational areas should have the opportunity for broadband connection."

Stadsnätsenhetens övergripande mål

”Det övergripande målet är att Åsele ska ha bredband i världsklass. ​


First reason: Development funds from the state.

"As a municipality, we initiate this change due to two essential factors:

1. The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) requires strict compliance with the regulations for an open market for approval and financial support for our fiber infrastructure expansion. It would be strategically unwise for the municipality to interrupt this initiative."

Reason No. 2: Future-proofing

2. This initiative is a strategic investment towards a future where our municipality lays the foundation to seamlessly and systematically deploy more and varied services. From services monitoring electricity consumption to integrating smart sensors in safety alarms for the elderly, we recognize the potential. It is critical that we start our journey to learn, attract talent, and cultivate an environment where Åsele can match, or even exceed, the innovative steps being taken across Sweden now and in the future.


Vad är ett Öppet Stadsnät?

Det är ett stadsnät som är öppet för externa tjänsteleverantörer. Alla pålitliga företag som är intresserade av att tillhandahålla fibertjänster i vårt nät får göra det.

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Vad innebär "Öppet Stadsnät" för mig som kund?

I ett öppet stadsnät har du valfrihet. Välj den leverantör och tjänst som passar dig. Byt sedan om du inte är nöjd.

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