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We provide Fiber connections from private homes to large telecom operators, large companies, regional networks, county councils and municipalities. We transport between and across municipal borders through our local network.


Key events of a fiber installation.











First of all you should fill out
our declaration of interest.
We will check if youlive
close enough to the fibernet
to have fiber installed.

We plan your installation.
The fibernet is in the
ground. And that means that
we need to plan for digging.
Wher is it safe to dig? When
shoul we dig?

When all digging is done we
install a fiberbox which you can connect to with a cat-cable. (internet cable)
Note that we do not supply or
install Wifi routers.

If fiber installation is possible
in your area, place your order
with us and we will get going!

We dig from the nearest
connectionpoint to your
After that you can dig.. or we can dig all the way, but that costs extra.


1. Order signed manually or digitally with bank-ID. 2. Review of delivery conditions 3. Order confirmation back to the customer 4. Handover to Projector 5. Creates work documents, goes trough necessary permit, etc 6. We dig into pipes in the ground, from the road, all the way to the house wall. 7. In the next step, Technicians blow the fiber from the fiber cabinet or well, through the pipes to the property. 8. The last step of the installation is when technicians connect everything in a box on the wall - the so-called fiber converter. 9. Technicians must then complete the case before the connection is active and can start to be used. 10. When the connection is active, you must order.


1. Order signed manually or digitally with bank-ID. 2. Review of delivery conditions 3. Order confirmation back to the customer 4. Handover to Projector 5. Creates work documents, goes trough necessary permit, etc 6. We dig into pipes in the ground, from the road, all the way to the house wall. 7. In the next step, Technicians blow the fiber from the fiber cabinet or well, through the pipes to the property. 8. The last step of the installation is when technicians connect everything in a box on the wall - the so-called fiber converter. 9. Technicians must then complete the case before the connection is active and can start to be used. 10. When the connection is active, you must order.


Pris: 12 000 exkl grävning

Leveranstid:  Enligt Överrenskommelse

Beställ här: Anmäl intresse för bredband


Vi gör alltid en leveranskontroll innan beställning godkänns.


Vad behöver jag göra för att förbereda mig inför installationen?

För att installationen ska gå smidigt, se till att exempelvis att flytta möbler och tillhandahålla åtkomst till nödvändiga utrymmen.

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Vad händer om jag inte är hemma vid den planerade installationsdagen?

Om du inte kan vara hemma vid den planerade installationsdagen, vänligen kontakta vår kundtjänst i förväg för att boka om installationstiden.

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Vad gör jag om jag upplever problem med installationen?

Om du upplever problem med installationen, vänligen kontakta vår kundtjänsts support för att rapportera problemet och få ytterligare anvisningar.

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Vad ingår i en standardinstallation?

En standardinstallation inkluderar dragning av fiberkabel till din bostad och installation av nödvändig utrustning för anslutning, vanligtvis så kallad fiberbox.

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